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1:16am 07-31-2011

reverted one of changes by me because may be buggy (I have some problems)
6:17pm 07-29-2011
"Impatience" is buggy - when you fight with AI and AI want to wait it's permanenet lockdown.
1:08pm 07-27-2011
sorry the link is and mirror is
i had problems with megaupload file manager
12:49pm 07-27-2011
I finished the fixes, multiple commanders, bombardier, and master power included. also i done fix for one which was spoiled in my before fix and was hiding

i post it here
5:27pm 07-26-2011
well it needs also a fix for master power, but it have to be done in later part of script. sagamosa may fix it.

sagamosa feel free to include my fixes, just keep comments from me
5:21pm 07-26-2011
I've done full fix.
it gives proper ALs when level up, adjusts balistas and commanders, then sets w190 to hero level if hero level>w190

only beginning part is changed
11:16pm 07-25-2011
i found a bug probably:
when battling with guardian angel AL and last creature was commander
it crashed due to zvs - it couldn't find animation for it
however it may be a glitch only, because i started battle and then pressed auto, so it may be critical race
10:54pm 07-25-2011
i have fixed it better
this way if hero on 19lvl without any ALs levelup into 20 he gets all 4 ALs
this work also with any level properly
however it works glitchy with multiple commanders/bombardier, meaning you probably get only one when one lvlup if it is not handled elswhere.
note that beggining heroes get proper ALs instantly, only tavern/prison heroes need lvlup once
7:42pm 07-25-2011
this way heroesw get it's ALs during wogification, and hero variables aren't cleared because function1350 runs realy early
7:39pm 07-25-2011
i enginered the fix for AL to apply the ALs to heroes which start on level higher than one, that work correctly - just change begin part of script118.erm to look like this

****************** ADVANCED LEVELS MASTER DIALOGUE *****************************

!#TM52:S1/999/999/1; timer (once in whole game)
!#MA159/2; for soul slaves, set ghost HP to 2 (originally 5 HP)
!#VRv1500:S-1; set original value (for might hero magic limitations)

!#DO1350/0/155/1; loop thru heroes ... majaczek: need command instead of timed to execute early

!!VRw190:S1; add lvl counter w var
* clear all hero w variables
!!VRw176:S0; !!VRw177:S0; !!VRw178:S0; !!VRw179:S0;
!!VRw180:S0; !!VRw181:S0; !!VRw182:S0; !!VRw183:S0;
!!VRw184:S0; !!VRw185:S0; !!VRw186:S0; !!VRw187:S0; !!VRw188:S0;

* NEW LEVEL UP ... majaczek: may happen before day one during wogification
!?HL-1&1000; lvl trigger

!!UN118/?y-5; is Alevels enabled in wogify options?
!!FU&y-5=0:E; end function if ALevels not chosen in wogify

!!IF:W-1; current hero w vars
!!HE-1:B2/?y2 B0/?z-4; class / hero name
!!HE-1:R2/?y5; sex
!!VRy3:Sy2 %2; divide class # by 2 (magic = odd number / might = even #)
!!VRy50:Sc; day

* needed because HE:E doesn't count multiple levels
!!VRw190:+1; add 1 every time HL trigger goes (hero gains a level!)

!!HE-1:E?p/?t/1;!!VRs:S1; majaczek: needed to apply missing levels
!!VRw190&w190<5/t>=5/s=1:S5; !!VRs&w190=5:S0;

!!VRy1: %5; level is multiple of 5 - special dialogue show up
5:57pm 07-25-2011
now it's almost sure correct

!!VRw190&w190<5/t>=5/s=1:S5; !!VRs&w190=5:S0;
5:05pm 07-25-2011
or rather that part of code (it still may contain errors)

!!VRw190&w190<5&t>=5&s=1:S5; !!VRs&w190<5&t>=5&s=1:S0;
4:58pm 07-25-2011
i believe it would be


inserted after line 34

* needed because HE:E doesn't count multiple levels
!!VRw190:+1; add 1 every time HL trigger goes (hero gains a level!)
!!VRy1: %5; level is multiple of 5 - special dialogue show up
4:19pm 07-25-2011
sagamosa, it still works for n lvlups not for 5,10,15,20 lvl
it need only one thing to work as the latter
in the lvlup trigger just put something like this (pseuodocode)
if w190 < 5 and herolevel>=5 set w190 to 5
else if w190 < 10 and herolevel>=10 set w190 to 10
else if w190 < 15 and herolevel>=15 set w190 to 15
else if w190 < 20 and herolevel>=20 set w190 to 20
else if w190 < 25 and herolevel>=25 set w190 to 25

I'm not good in erm scripts but i know something like this would be possible, and then if hero is overleveled it would get first missing AL and it would be acknowledged, and for next AL if you are stilll overleveled you have to lvlup once
3:34pm 07-25-2011
if you want to keep it same as me get it:
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