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9:09pm 07-17-2011
before i instaled i tried many things.
the only i play with sagamosa scripts is just 3.58f+script update + a few script patches. of course on wogsagamosa.exe

and the era 2.0 is not out yet but exist there development topic (so they work on it)

I'm not very familiar with era but i'm happy if you work on scripts (some are still buggy) and i know that moving to era is big movement. just i imagine that i heard you sag have been talking on it.

so the bugs i wrote are on wogsagamosa.exe+3.58fSU scripts+wogmod (the unofficial script patch by duke3d or how it were named)

just after knowing era will not work yet, i abandoned experiments with era.
i'm ready to test any new version of your script
3:45pm 07-16-2011
Hi sagamosa. Can you please send the files to me also? It's so frustrating with all the errors I get with the files downloaded and wog sagamosa executable. Can you please send instructions also how you said. Thanx a lot. Adrian
9:29am 07-16-2011
you tried that with ERA 2.0 majaczek? anyway, i'm not doing anything towards compatibility with ERA at the moment. BTW did yu get the files from me and how it plays?
7:50pm 07-15-2011
Sagamosa, you wanted make your scripts compatible with era, didn't you?
they are now working on era 2.0 and there may be some nice changes.
if i were you, i would wait about incompatibilities, because some of them may disappear with new ERA.
9:56am 07-15-2011
vim jak to teoreticky funguje, ale to nejvetsi "tajemstvi" a zaklad uzitecnosti je zjistit co ma v exe jakou adresu, nejak ji z kodu izolovat a pak pouzit. Ale aby to mohl clovek udelat musi se v tom kodu "vyznat", a to se me zdalo, ze chce asi skutecne hluboke znalosti programovani, ja toho asi nejsem schopen (nebo asi nemam silu tema pokusama stravit tolik casu, aby se mi to podarilo)
1:00pm 07-12-2011
Prečíta/napíše pamäťový blok, z adresy #1 s dĺžkou #2 do/z variable $3.
Ak tomu chceš lepšie pochopiť prečítaj si prvé dve kapitoly tohoto
Potom si stiahni OllyDebugger a otvor si v ňom tvoje exe. V prvom stĺpci máš adresy a môžeš pracovať.
Ak by si mal nejaké otázky môžeš mi napísať ale tiež v tom niesom nejaký odborník ale nie je to až také ťažké ako to vyzerá
P.S. keby niečo dalo by sa poprosiť Berserkera o odblokovanie exe
9:09am 07-03-2011
re: Al_Mualim
v tuto chvili AL nejsou kompatibilni s ERA a vse s !!UN:C nejde udelat (exe neni odblokovane). kazdopadne pro me UN:C je spanelska vesnice a neumim s tim pracovat (uznavam, ze to je idealni zpusob upravy), tak si musim vypomahat okolo. Kazdopadne to zkusim, jestli to funguje. mimochodem, da se nejak snadno naucit pracovat s UN:C? snazil jsem se to pochopit na ruskych forech, ale selhal jsem...
8:36pm 07-01-2011
nedalo by sa v Ethereal skille na zmenenie tlačítka v bitke použiť UN:C miesto LD:L? Bolo by !!UN:C6750179/1/49 ak má hrdina ethereal a môžeš použiť ICM104.DEF aj v h3wog.lod a keď hrdina nemá ethereal bolo by !!UN:C6750179/1/48 čiže by sa zasa použilo staré ICM004.DEF. Hovorím to z troch dôvodov:
1. ušetrenie miesta v skripte
2. stačilo by h3wog.lod
3. UN:C je kompatibilné s platformou Era

9:06pm 06-26-2011
Check this
5:50pm 06-26-2011
here same as adrian
1:54pm 06-26-2011
@sagamosa - did you by any chance send me the files and instructions because I didn't receive anything yet . Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna be pushy but I just didn't know if you're back from your travels around Europe and I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about me . Thx
6:16pm 06-24-2011
BUG: it happens that AL chockes on some !!HE reciever giving ERM-DUMP
it states the hero out of range, it seems to hapen more frequently if necromancers are in play

PS:hip-hip-hurra for the era-compatible version
7:49pm 06-19-2011
Oh boy...can't hardly wait to play it...I am checkin' the email every 30 minutes . Cheers everybody!!
10:22am 06-13-2011
re berserker:
agree that local FU are not a problem and can be changed. battle vars are quite usable for me in a number of scripts, where battlefield is concerned - to name few - potions, coordinated attack and others, could be around 5-10 special skills depending on the battle variables. but ERA has its other advantages I know...
4:22pm 06-06-2011
Hi Sagamosa.
Local functions can be easily changed to global via search/replace. What do you need new battle vars for?
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